ALD Leadership
ALD Mission Statement
The ALD supports the safe and effective adoption of lasers in oral systemic health for patient wellbeing.Directors at Large
ALD Dr. Eugene Seidner Board of Trustees

Giovanni Olivi
Trustee Chair

Walid Altayeb
Characteristics and Attributes of an Ideal ALD Board Member
Proven Performance
Leadership requires knowledge, talent, skill, vitality and the ability to make a difference. In the association environment, that translates into a solid track record of contributing to the success of programs, events or projects.Commitment
Serving as an association leader is both an honor and a reward, but it requires a demonstrated commitment to the organization and its mission and goals.Time to Serve
Participating fully in association activities requires extra time to prepare for travel and attend meetings.Understanding of Team Work
Many people contribute their efforts toward the realization of an association's goals and objectives - no one does it alone. Well developed interpersonal and communication skills are essential to effective teamwork.Sound Judgment and Integrity
In many instances, popularity brings potential leaders into the limelight of an association. But popularity must be tempered with good judgment and integrity. Decisions may need to be made that are not popular with the members.Communication and "Teaching" Skills
By virtue of their position, current leaders serve as mentors and teachers to future leaders.Enthusiasm
A zest for serving the association is an important ingredient that leaders must be able to pass along to their successors.Ability to Subordinate Special Interests
Leaders often emerge because of their special expertise or effective representation of a specific constituency. Leadership, however, may require subordinating those interests for the greater good of the association.Be a Strategic Thinker
Intuitive and interpretive skills enable leaders to understand the people around them, internalize the data they receive, recognize the relationships that exist between the leadership and membership.