ALD Committees
The Academy's strength lies in its membership. Individuals contribute their skills and resources to the group by serving on its various committees. As a direct link to the membership, the Academy's committees work to impact current laser usage and future developments.Become a Volunteer!
ALD has launched its Volunteer Leadership Initiative in 2024. Members are able to view short term and long term project commitments and volunteer in unique ways. If you would like to share your expertise and experience, please consider the Academy of Laser Dentistry. You'll have an opportunity to sign up for a variety of different leadership initiatives, to share your passion and give of your experience.Volunteer Now
standing and special committees of the board of directors
The President-Elect, working in collaboration with the current committee chairs and the Executive Director, has the responsibility of recommending committee chairs (in accordance with the Bylaws, Chapter IX) for the upcoming year in which the President-Elect moves into the position of President. The intent of this restructuring is to consolidate for effectiveness. Each committee will comprise ALD members with expertise to focus on the area indicated.Executive Committee

Bylaws & Constitution
Walid Altayeb, DDS, MScD, PhD
Grace Sun, DDS
Strategic Planning
James Carreiro, DMD, PA
Constitution and Bylaws
Juliana Barros, DDS, MS
Finance & Site Selection '26
Shigeyuki Nagai, DDS, PhDAnnual Conference & Exhibition

General Sessions Chair
Grace Sun, DDS
Scientific Sessions Chair
Marina Polonsky, DDS, MSc
Shigeyuki Nagai, DDS, PhDEducation and Certification

Arun Darbar, BDS, DGDP
Angie Wallace, RDHCertification

Arun Darbar, BDS, DGDP
Raminta Mastis, DDSAuxiliary

Angie Wallace, RDH
Board Representative
Lynn Atkinson. RDHThe Journal of Laser Dentistry

Don Patthoff, DDS
John Sulewski, MA
Award Committee
Grace Sun, DDS
Dr. Seidner Board of Trustees
Giovanni Olivi, MD, DDS
Science and Research
David M. Harris, MS, PhD
Laser Safety
Grace Sun, DDS
Speakers Bureau
John Graeber, DMD
University and Academia Relations
Juliana Barros, DDS, MS
Don Patthoff, DDS
Marina Polonsky, DDS, MSc
Ali Obeidi, DDS
Lightwaves Editor
Ali Obeidi, DDS
DSO Relations
Timothy D. Larson, DDS
International Relations
Saleh Aria, DDS
Regulatory Affairs
John Graeber, DMD